아남전자 로고


Financial information

Stock Issued

(As of .2023.12.31)
Type of share Number of shares Amount Ratio (%)
Registered, Common stock 77,124,820 34,489,232 99.96%
Registered, Preferred stock 27,690 12,382 0.04%
Sum 77,152,510 34,501,614 100.00%

Stock Ditribution

(As of .2023.12.31)
Classification Shareholder(number of holders) Number of shares Co. Ratio (%)
The largest shareholder 7 25,797,238 33.45%
Other Corporation 1 1,655,342 2.15%
Individual - - 0.00%
Sum 1 1,655,342 2.15%
Minor shareholder Corporation, Individual 30,750 49,672,240 64.40%
Sum 30,750 49,672,240 64.40%
KSD(Actual shares) 1 2,020 0.00%
Sum 30,759 77,126,840 100.00%