아남전자 로고

About the company


Benefits system designed for family, relaxation and fun

  • 자녀 학자금 아이콘
    Suppporting for children’s tuition
    We support employees’ kids with their Kindergarten, University school fees,
    so that our employees can concentrate entirely on work.
  • 건강검진 아이콘
    Regular medical check
    We support comprehensive medical checks (above manager level) and general medical checks regularly.
  • 경조사 아이콘
    Supports for events/occasions
    Based on supporting policy, we provide allowances and paid leaves.
  • 사내동호회 아이콘
    Supports for clubs within organization
    We support clubbings among employees to motivate cooperation and communication within organization.
  • 정기포상 아이콘
    Regular bonuses
    We run bonus system to celebrate long services and other exemplary acts.
  • 사내식당 아이콘
    Provides in-house restaurant
    For convenience, we run a restaurant in our office building, providing breakfast, lunch and dinner for free.