아남전자 로고


Financial information

The 51th Period As of 31st Dec.2023

The 50th Period As of 31st Dec.2022

The 49th Period As of 31st Dec.2021

(Unit: USD)
Item The 51th Period The 50th Period The 49th Period
Asset Current Assets Cash and cash equivalents 14,259,296 8,396,577 16,229,358
Accounts receivables 65,666,465 79,332,872 77,741,093
Inventory 47,675,242 69,123,283 33,545,216
Current tax assets - - -
Other current financial assets 3,228,787 6,907,329 7,378,987
Total Current Assets 116,699,764 163,760,061 183,986,577
Non-current Assets Long-term trade receivables 1,191,120 5,166,652 5,838,917
Property, plant and equipment 38,022,160 36,953,184 31,671,623
Investment property 5,180,448 5,253,172 5,325,894
Intangible asset 1,650,785 1,662,853 1,691,015
Deferred tax assets 118,072 155,258 453,501
Other non-current financial assets 381,680 381,680 435,792
Financial derivative assets 135,234 267,251 -
Post-employment benefit obligations assets 718,333 47,562 -
Total Non-current Assets 47,526,836 49,887,612 45,416,742
  Total Asset 164,226,601 213,647,673 229,403,319
Equities   Equity attributable to owners of parent 82,645,435 77,284,993 66,108,571
Contributed equity 34,501,614 34,501,614 34,501,614
Issued capital 34,501,614 34,501,614 34,501,614
Capital surplus 1,724,124 1,724,124 1,724,124
Elements of other stockholder's equity (163,350) (163,350) (163,350)
Other Comprehensive income/loss accumulated amount 106,955 211,397 (29,492)
Retained earnings 46,476,092 41,011,208 30,075,675
Non-controlling interests - - -
Total Stockholder's Equity 82,645,435 77,284,993 66,108,571
Liabilities Current liabilities Accounts payable 46,498,972 59,914,445 66,252,027
Short-term borrowings 27,200,000 65,922,345 85,831,929
Curent portion of finance lease liabilities 130,362 859,609 1,075,166
Current maturities of long-term debt 3,901,100 1,422,800 1,423,100
Current tax liabilities 799,644 2,560,884 446,645
derivative liabilities - - 37,812
Current provisions 1,534,835 94,226 125,234
Total current liabilities 80,064,913 130,774,309 155,191,913
Non-current liabilities Long-term borrowings - 3,901,100 5,323,900
Non-current finance lease liabilities 1,425,060 1,687,271 2,555,966
Post-employment benefit obligations 91,193 - 222,970
Total Non-current Liabilities 1,516,253 5,588,371 8,102,836
Total Liabilities 81,581,166 136,362,680 163,294,748
  Total Stockholder's Equity & Liabilities 164,226,601 213,647,673 229,403,319