아남전자 로고


Financial information

The 51th Period As of 31st Dec.2023

The 50th Period As of 31st Dec.2022

The 49th Period As of 31st Dec.2021

(Unit : USD)
Item The 51th Period The 50th Period The 49th Period
Sales 255,594,471 371,831,316 314,437,329
Cost of Sales (228,886,647) (334,630,354) (279,190,299)
Gross profit 26,707,824 37,200,962 35,247,030
Selling general administrative expenses (19,528,713) (21,219,374) (22,021,883)
Operating income(loss) 7,179,111 15,981,588 13,225,147
Other gains 337,397 67,478 73,086
Finance income 1,947,735 549,900 302,590
Finance costs (2,610,044) (2,906,191) (1,601,802)
Profit (loss) before tax 6,854,199 13,692,775 11,999,021
Income tax expense 1,445,379 2,939,538 391,415
Profit (loss) 5,408,820 10,753,237 11,607,606
Other Comprehensive income (48,364) 423,184 95,811
Other comprehensive income, net of tax, gains(losses) on remeasurements of defined benefit plans 56,064 182,295 125,303
Gains (losses) on exchange differences on translation, net of tax (104,428) 240,889 (29,492)
Total comprehensive income 5,360,442 11,176,421 11,703,417
Profit (loss), attributable to      
Profit (loss), attributable to owners of parent 5,408,820 10,753,237 11,607,606
Profit (loss), attributable to non-controlling interests - - -
Comprehensive income attributable to      
Comprehensive income, attributable to owners of parent 5,360,442 11,176,421 11,703,417
Comprehensive income, non-controlling interests - - -
Earning per share-net income      
Basic earnings (loss) per share
Basic earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations 0.07 0.14 0.15
Basic earnings (loss) per share from discontinued operations - - -
Diluted earnings (loss) per share
Diluted earnings (loss) per share from continuing operations 0.07 0.14 0.15
Diluted earnings (loss) per share from discontinued operations - - -